“The body is a portal into the being that inhabits it.“
The Power of Touch
Whether you choose a relaxing yet energizing massage therapy & integrative bodywork session, or a deeper bodywork session, each session is customized to your personal needs and preferences and delivers results – from relief of pain and stress to a feeling of wholeness – increased awareness, deep insights and lightness inside and out.
Tailored sessions can release unconsciously-held energy and beliefs, thus freeing you and making more of your energy available for the life you choose. Symptoms, problems, and issues in our bodies – as in our lives – are messengers… prompting us to come back into balance by bringing attention to ourselves. With the interrelationship of the physical body and our emotional and mental states, bodywork touches the whole and unique person, healing all levels of our human experience – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – integrating the body, soul, and spirit.
Your 60 or 90 minute sessions may include any of the following in addition to your massage:
- Cranio-Sacral Therapy
- Esogetic Colorpuncture
- flower essences
- essential oils
- meditative tools
- inner imagery
- conscious breathing
- Reiki
- Rosen Method
- Voice Dialogue
- Somato Emotional Release
- Hypnotherapy Bodywork
- or if you prefer, a more deeply internal and silent process.
Pricing & Options
The Power of Touch
Call Us Today! (209) 728-1109
Your bodywork session might include combined options including these services:
- Customized essential oil crème
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Or a Colorpuncture Treatment
* Contact us and we will analyse your situation and offer best package for your needs along with massage therapy.
If you have any questions or need help in choosing which service is best for you, contact us and we will offer personalised options for you.
Gift Certificates
We offer Gift Certificats for Massage Therapy & Integrative Bodywork